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   Grassroots Advocacy and CCSSI

The Grassroots Advocacy Training is designed for those who are interested in teaching the next generation of PTA leaders the skills to be effective issue advocates.

In the PTA Grassroots Advocacy Training we use 3 methods:
  • A presentation consisting of lecture and discussion elements
  • Role Playing
  • Written exercises with presentation
The training utilizes the basic educational process "the seven non repetitive redundancies".
The modules:
  • Strategy: Goals vs Tactics
  • Coalition Building
  • Recruitment and Organizational Building *
  • Media as a Tactic
  • Meeting with Decision-makers
  • Common Core State Standards: Overview
There are three lengths of training.
    Full Training of Trainers (ToT)
      Ideal length: 1-1.5 days.
      Desired Outcome: Leave Training with a broad understanding of issue advocacy.
      Duties: Train and activate leaders.
    Training of Leaders
      Consists of at 1-2 modules (less than 4 main topics)
      Audience: Leaders who want to be involved In some part of advocacy efforts.
      Ideal length: 2-3 hours longer if more than two modules are presented.
      Desired Outcome: Leave training with a strategy to engage PTA members as advocates.
      Duties of those trained: Educate and activate.
    Educating Members on CCSSI
      Description: A brief presentation on the principles of CCSSI and implementation efforts in our District.
      Audience: Members and parents.
      Ideal Length: 15-30 minutes.
* "Recruitment and Organizational Building" module are covered in the Fall and Spring Leadership Training for Membership.


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A Duval County Council PTA Program. Promoting the Common Core State Standards Initiative and Providing Grassroots Advocacy Training
Copyright DCC PTA 2011. Site Design: Creative Minds Unlimited